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At Wellsprings Primary School we inspire creativity, high achievement and enjoyment.

By expecting high standards of everyone at Wellsprings, we will make sure that:

  • our school is a fun and exciting place to learn
  • we work hard on improving the key skills for life
  • we are confident doing things oour own and as part of a team
  • we continue to be proud of being part of our school and celebrating success
  • we are safe and feel cared for

Please take a look at our  School Mission Statement​

Books and reading are always at the forefront of our mind at Wellsprings, and we have many strategies to encourage children to read and enjoy reading.  This September, all staff undertook training to develop their Phonics teaching skills. We have also invested a considerable amount of money purchasing materials to help children develop their phonics skills- a programme called Read, Write Inc. We are also focusing on GPS – the shortened title for what the DfE refer to as Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling, which we are striving to include more formally in our curriculum.  We also encourage the children to wri​te with confidence and imagination, no matter what the subject, giving them a range of opportunities from short, snappy writing activities to extended writing challenges.

For further information about how the school helps your children learn most effectively, please read our School Plan (Raising Achievement Plan)  and school evaluations by visiting our Governors section​.





Any concerns or complaints can be provided to the Headteacher, or if necessary to the Chair of Governors, via the Concerns and complaints Policy in our Policies and procedures page​.

We have a strong commitment to sport and regularly achieve well in tournaments and competitions – as our trophy cabinet proves!

We were very excited and proud to receive the Sainsbury’s School Games GOLD award in 2022!​​


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