Physical Education

PE, or Physical Education, is a high priority here at Wellsprings School, as it is important for children to feel healthy and grow strong. Through our teaching and in extra-curricular sporting activities we aim to offer children of all ages a raft of opportunities to promote their physical education. See our review of the

PE funding:

Since 2013 the school, in line with a nationwide Olympic legacy initiative, has been funded to provide extra opportunities for sport. Please visit our PE and Sport Premium page for detailed information on the funding and its outcomes.

We have worked hard to promote PE and sports skills over the last few years, with targeted support for KS1 classes and provision for pupils who enjoy PE/Sports less than others. The teachers also provide ‘inter-house’ competition across the school year, to give different routes to the sporting curriculum for a range of pupils.

Here is the current updated PE Policy and curriculum statement, Early Years PE policy ,sports festivals and the smartmove aims.

At Wellsprings we plan to use this funding for:

training and development opportunities so that our staff have the best skill set to be able to teach children

weekly swimming sessions for children in Years 13 and 4

the continued running of 'Golden Mile' competition which we announce the winner every week on Tuesdays assemblies

the support of an admin person to oversee 'Golden Mile' and the additional resources we provide as part of the PE/Sports menu

development and updating of equipment and resources in school, including a range of diverse sports

sports leaders within the school to have time to meet and plan the PE curriculum so it is relevant and up to date and promotes excellent teaching and learning in PE

supporting the annual 'Health Week' which we will reinstate 2023-24 with a visit from an Olymoic athlete. We also had martial arts lessons, keepfit sessions, mindfulness and yoga, Golden Mile competitions...

extra after-school clubs to engage a broader range of children at the school, targeting younger and less active children - for example, athletics club, just dance/cosmic yoga(for KS1 onwards)