Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium is a government funding initiative which aims to narrow the gap in attainment between less advantaged children and others.  The Pupil Premium supports:

  • pupils who are eligible for free school meals

  • looked after children

  • children of parents/carers working for the armed services

Below are the plans and outcomes for 2015-16 and 2016-17, with some additional notes as to how our children are progressing matched to each intervention.

The DfE now ask that schools explain:

– What the barriers are for pupils identified as requiring Pupil Premium funding?

– How we spend the (published) Pupil Premium funding?

– How we measure the progress of these pupils?

– How often we report on the funding?

What the barriers are for pupils identified as requiring ‘Pupil Premium funding’?

These pupils often have issues around attendance or punctuality- statistically Pupil Premium-funded pupils have lower than national average attendance. Our Breakfast Club (Rise and Shine) helps to support better attendance and punctuality. Pupil Premium pupils have GOOD attendance and at least match the national average for Pupil Premium children. Our After School Club (Stay and Play) helps families at a very reduced cost, to keep a good balance of home and work life.

Some our of pupils are disengaged with school, for a variety of reasons. Forest School and school counseling services, help these pupils to have a diverse, alternative curriculum, along with providing support mechanisms for vulnerable learners.

There are often ‘gaps’ in learning for Pupil Premium pupils (due to above reasons), so we use a range of additional learning opportunities (Booster, 1:1 support, small group ‘catch ups’) to aid the ‘gap filling’ over time.

We feel that Pupil Premium (and all) pupils, GENERALLY benefit from being in smaller classes, where they have more proportionate time with their teacher on a week-by-week basis due to reduce class sizes. By funding this, not only Pupil Premium pupils benefit, but all school pupils do.

How often do we report on the funding?

We provide an annual report on the outcomes to the funding use.

We also provide a plan of our spending and how we expect the money to make a difference to children using the funding.

Please see our Pupil Premium Grant plan and reports, below:

How we spend the (published) Pupil Premium funding?

The exact breakdown of what we do, and how much we are funded, is stated in the documents linked below.​

How we measure the progress of these pupils

We measure the impact on learning, identified by their Reading, Writing and Maths assessments completed every half term. While this is not a precise measure (so many factors can have an influence), we recognise that OfSTED and the DfE measure attainment and progress in Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 6 using these forms of assessment. It is therefore, a consistent, summative measure comparable across all planned interventions. We expect our Pupil Premimum to make ‘better than expected progress’ or accelerated progress. For example, every term we measure progress in ‘Tracking Points’. Every term, 1 Tracking Point of progress is considered to be ‘expected progress’. To make accelerated progress, our Pupil Premimum pupils, would need to be above this baseline measure- so we would want MORE than 1 Tracking Points progress every term (e.g. 1.4 Tracking Points progress.)​