Wellsprings School Offer for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Inclusion Lead (SEND Lead): Mrs Jane Holcombe
SEND Governor: Mrs Tricia Budd
All staff at Wellsprings Primary School are committed to providing the best learning opportunities for all children. We are an inclusive mainstream school, working with parents and a range of professionals to ensure the best education for each child.
Every child is an individual and at some point in their school journey may require additional support to enable them to progress, whether short or long-term. The support given is carefully matched to meet the child’s needs in collaboration with parents and carers.
If a parent or carer has any concerns about their child’s needs, their first point of contact is always the class teacher. All class teachers are supported by the school Inclusion Lead Mrs Holcombe and Senior Leadership Team.
Please open the documents below to find out more about our support for pupils with special educational needs and disabilities.
Wellsprings Local Offer - link via Somerset Council
Somerset Local Offer Newsletter
Somerset Graduated Response Tool