School News

School blog


Open Day tomorrow- all welcome! We will have parents/carers into school, from 9.15. We will show parents the EYFS setting, and take you on a wander around our lovely school. Hope to see you in the morning!


Parents and carers have had a few problems logging on to our new communication system, Schoolspider. This is mainly due to the email addresses we have been provided- if you try to log with a different email address than we already have, it won't recognise your details. Any problems logging on, please contact the office. It will take a time to sort, but we'll get there!


Welcome to our new website! It has felt a while coming, but finally we have our website (and communications platform) up and running. Please have a wander around- we have a lot more content to come!

Archived Blogs


Please see your emails and Facebook for an update on the school. This is in regards to the closure of our hall and stage area and ongoing surveys of this area.


Lost Property: We will take advantage of the dry afternoon and put lost property from before the summer holiday on the KS2 playground at the end of the school day. This will be repeated on another dry afternoon this week. Please check if your child has anything missing. Thank you.


Our newsletter is out today for people to check on dates, and coming events. Please check your email box for the updates from ParentMail. Thank you.


PE kits

Some parents/carers have asked whether PE will take place this week on their children’s return.

PE kits are not expected to be brought in/worn this week by children, and teachers will notify parents/carers before next week when children will have PE.

Red and Grey Squirrel Classes

We also wanted to clarify the drop-off and collection points for Red and Grey Squirrel classes from Thursday.

Grey Squirrels should be dropped off at the door on the KS1 playground where Mrs Lawrence and Mrs Hill will be waiting to meet them. This is for all children in Grey Squirrels Class (both Grey Squirrels Year 1 and Grey Squirrels Reception).

Red Squirrels will enter via the pencil gates as we will no longer be using the ramp access to the Red Squirrels room for daily use. Mrs Lang and Mrs Shah will meet the children in the area next to the Red Squirrels room.


We hope you have had a good summer so far!

Just a reminder, Wellsprings Primary school opens to pupils on THURSDAY 5th September. Arrangements for the start of the year have not changed from last year.

The year group ‘start-of-the-year’ letters are being shared, to remind parents/carers, of these routines. We appreciate it has been a while for all of us! Please check our group Facebook page and ParentMail.

Enjoy what’s left of your break, and we are really looking forward to seeing you all, in a couple of week’s time. 😀


Apologies the website has been down for a period of time. Thankfully now finally up and running!

We hope you have a good break over the summer- see you in September!


Cleaning job vacancy


Permanent position, Monday to Friday 5pm-7pm, £11.44 per hour.

Cleaning your own allocated area to a high standard.

Training and uniform provided, an enhanced DBS will be required.

Please contact  or call 07936 958826


We had a brilliant Windrush assembly today for KS2, looking at the origins of the ‘Windrush’ migrants who arrived in our country, over 70 years ago. Akulah Agbami got the children (and staff) involved with the assembly, getting them to think about how people coming to help us in the UK, should feel welcomed as part of the ‘Commonwealth heritage’.


The PTA raffle tickets are on sale with some fantastic prizes available.

This is the link to buy raffle tickets


Football match

Well it has been a while since we hosted a football match on our school field, but it was a great to see our Year 5/6 footballers take on a Staplegrove team yesterday.

It was a close match, and both teams acquited themselves REALLY well. The playing surface was quite a challenge, to the least!

However, despite the closeness of the match, Wellsprings finally broke free and scored the deciding goal. Wellsprings 1 Staplegrove 0!

Our thanks to Staplegrove for coming and giving us an excellent game, to the supported who attended and to Mr Fowle for organising it. He was an excellent ref (and linesman, team coach…)

Well done to children who represented us- you did us proud! 20.05.24

Music Lessons

If your child is interested, Somerset Music can provide Individual, small/larger group tuition in a variety of instruments. This is a chargeable provision but pupils are taught during the school day. If you think your child might be interested for this term or after September, follow the link and see what’s available:


Many thanks to Sam today who ran drumming and dancing workshops for the whole school- all in one day. He was amazing! Sam is an actor, musician and dancer who works across the South West exploring diversity through drumming, singing and dancing looking at the tradition of songs and storytelling in other cultures. The children, and staff, had a fantastic time!


We wish Year 6 all the best this week during SATs. We have special breakfast club treats for them (pastries!) gifted by local shops and the kind donations from the Jenkins family who run a local eatery. Many thanks to your generosity!


Don’t forget that ice poles are still being sold on the KS2 playgrounds on Tuesday and Thursdays every week. 30p each (maximum of 3), with all the funds going to Year 6 end-of-year events!


The schools newsletter is out again today- as ever, in our newsletters page on this school website, on our Facebook page and sent via ParentMail!


Gymnastics competition

Our two gymnastics teams competed at Whirlwinds Academy last Thursday. We were so proud of their determination, teamwork, passion and belief. Year 3/4 were placed 3rd and Year 5/6 came home with Silver medals. Thank you to all the children that took part. Finally, it was great to have such supportive parents to transport theirs (and other people’s) children. I’m always very impressed by the Wellsprings team spirit. Thank you to Miss Lambert for supporting the competition event and also Mr de Wilton for helping Miss Lambert and the gymnastics get competition-ready.


Thank you to all the staff who attended and supported the Year 4 residential at Kilve Outdoor Centre. The children had a fantastic time, and they were extremely well-behaved as noted by all staff who attended (Mr Lunn, Mrs Marshall and Mrs Holcombe) as well the Kilve Centre staff. It was an action-packed few days and we really appreciate the staff for volunteering their time to make this residential happening.


Year 4 go on their residential on Monday 22nd April, next week. They will be at Kilve Centre for three days doing a range of activities. I bet they can’t wait!


Welcome back- we hope your Easter was enjoyable!

We have a newsletter out this Friday. We have tried to add as much ‘date-content’ on the letter, as the summer term is always one of the busiest.


Have a good Easter break!


Reminder about smoking/vaping on site

Please can we remind parents/carers that the school is a non-smoking site, which includes those who vape.

There is a park near to the school site, where parents/carers can smoke if needed to, away from the school playgrounds.

Thank you.


Book Week

What an amazing week we had during our Book week celebrations! We had four competitions to sort- Book cover design, Home reading photos, Book day costume winners and video book reviews. It was a busy week!

There were many, many winners all of whom gained a prize for their efforts. We also had competition entries for the Somerset Poetry awards, which we will hear the outcome of, within the next few weeks.

Thank you to those parents/carers who made it to our ‘Stay and Read’ sessions last week- it was lovely to see them so well supported. Thanks also to Mrs Broadway and Mrs Lang for sorting the week out, and giving everyone such an enjoyable week of learning!


Book week started today, with our Reading Gazebo up in the hall. Tomorrow is Reception’s ‘Stay and read’ sessions with parents and carers invited to come, stay in school and read with their children!

KS1 and Nursery are next, on Wednesday afternoon. Come along and join in the fun!


Parent/carer consultation slots are now available to book from today. Please check your ParentMail and Facebook to get further information.


The newsletter is out tomorrow with details about the forthcoming Book Week!


Have a good half term break- see you on Monday 19th February. We will be gearing up to our Book week, which starts on Monday 4th March… Enjoy half term!


Thanks to all the children, staff and PTA members who supported another fantastic disco yesterday. It was brilliant fun- as ever, thanks most of all to our supportive PTA!

Next PTA event: Friday 22nd March (MUFTI day as well.


Not long now until the Valentine’s disco!

Please note the following pick/up collection details:

Early Years/Reception/KS1 will be picked up at the normal time, from their normal pick up points.

All KS2 (Years 3 – 6) children will need to be collected from the KS2 playground at 4pm. The children will be taken from the hall, and after collecting coat and bags, released to parents/guardians at that point. This will stop any congestion at the front entrance.

Payments can still be made either online, or at the school office.

Children will need to bring a change of clothes in a named bag, ready for them to change into.

Thank you


Children that are going will need to bring in their party clothes (in a named carrier bag) so they can get changed at school.

Timings are as follows;

Nursery and Reception 1.10-1.50pm

Years 1 and 2 (KS1) 2-2.45pm

Years 3-6 (KS2) 3-4pm

Children will be provided with juice and biscuits, with some sweets to bring home.

Please make sure you either pay using the sum up link attached – you can add to cart and then put your child’s name in the merchant box, or you can pay cash via your class teacher or the office, in a named envelope please.

Please remember, we will not be able to continue running the fabulous disco days if people do not pay for these events.

Support your PTA ?


Thank you for an excellent Health Week- in particular, Mrs Lawrence who has worked so hard to make the experience so enjoyable.


We were really pleased to welcome Animals 2U South West which included getting up-close to a snake, amongst other animals! The children loved seeing the animals being handled, hearing about their habits but also learning about how the animals help Marie stay happy and content. It was a magical morning which the children will remember for a while. Thank you to the PTA for helping fund this- and Mrs Lawrence for organising this event and many more this week.


Health Week has started today with the Farmlink workshops with a number of our classes. They will be in throughout the week, with assemblies on Wednesday (for EYFS/KS1 and KS2) and the final set of class workshops. We will share the outcomes of the week in our next newsletter.


The newsletter is out today with details about the forthcoming Health Week!


We have had a few instances where parents/carers have been in school without consent from staff. We ask that parents/carers wait on the playgrounds where all other parents/carers drop off and collect, in future, please.

There are some parents/carers who have agreed routines around drop offs/collections due to specific circumstances. We know who these families are, and we will ask any other parents/carers accessing the school to use the outside collection points in future.

If you are struggling to collect from different playgrounds due to the mixed ages of your children, we have contingencies in place for these families. Please ask for help if this is the case.

Thank you for your support and co-operation.


PTA Disco/Rabbits class assembly

We will have to move the date of the PTA Valentines Disco, due to the DJ’s prior work commitments. We have only just been made aware of this date clash, unfortunately.

The PTA Disco will now be on Wednesday 7th February. Rabbits originally had a class assembly planned for 7th February- unfortunately, this will be postponed until later in the year.

Apologies for the change in plans!


We have added the dates for next year’s key dates for school holidays (2024-25). Please visit the events page or


The newsletter is out on Friday with an update on future events coming up.


Welcome back! It has been a busy time over the Christmas break, with both playgrounds now with lines marked out, and the KS1 corridor painted. All ready for the new year!


Key Stage 1 and 2 playgrounds

It is no small frustration that we have had to change plans many times over the playground line markings. At last, the Key Stage 1 playground now has its line markings complete. We were initially told that it would take two hours to dry. Unfortunately on visiting, the contractors told us it would need a whole day, mainly because the surface is ‘new’ tarmac. Apologies for the change of plan today for KS1 parents/carers!

Mr Lunn is in on Monday next week, with the contractors, and then the Key Stage 2 will also be done. Fingers crossed!

Christmas Performances

Well done to staff and children who put on some excellent Christmas productions. We were bowled over by the turnout, with some of the biggest audiences we have seen for a very long time. Thank you for supporting Christmas at Wellsprings whole-heartedly; roll on Christmas Day!


Message from the PTA:

Thank you for everyone that came to the bingo on Friday night – we made an incredible £750!!

We were amazed to see the hall so packed!!

But fear not – this is not the last event of the year.

Elfridges is still going on. See the poster attached, payments needed by the 10th December ?…/elfridg…


We have been asked whether the children can wear a Christmas jumper on Thursday 7th December- ‘Christmas Jumper day’.

YES, if children wish to wear a Christmas jumper on Thursdaythey can. Just to note this is also Christmas Dinner day.

However, we will remind parents/carers, it is entirely optional!

See the link to ‘Save the children’ website about the event:!9048!3!678991821013!e!!g!!christmas%20jumper%20day&gclid=CjwKCAiAjrarBhAWEiwA2qWdCB0dJLmUhPiiKIXM-0LwKJ09xQ6JrjJH1PcTr5JZ6KGQFZTyBqx31BoCJOcQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


Thursday 30th November – the Christmas Fair

3.15-5.15 – lots of exciting stalls and a very special visitor in the Wellsprings Grotto!! 

Friday 1st December – Christmas Bingo! ?

Amazing prizes to be won at this great popular family event! Doors open at 6pm, eyes down at 6.30.



Please could menus for the new term be returned to the school office as soon as possible. If you have not received one, please call at the office.

This will ensure that your child gets the meal they would like when the new menu starts in January.

Thank you


Year 2 are off to Wellsprings Leisure centre for their multi-skills morning. Don’t forget your PE keit!


All the key Christmas performance dates are on the display board of the KS2 playground to view. These are:

KS1 Christmas Performance  5th and 6th December (2.15)

EYFS Nativity 8th December (2.15)

KS2 Carol service 13th December (5.30) and 14th December (2.15)

Christmas Dinner is on Thursday 7th December.

PTA/School Events:

Thursday 30th November Christmas Fair, after school.

Friday 1st December MUFTI (and bring bottles for the tombola); BINGO at 6.30 onwards.


Thank to Penny from the Sparklebox charity, who came into school for our whole school assembly. The children heard all about what the charity offers and we were all very impressed with what they do to cheer up children across Taunton, and beyond, over the Christmas period. If you have a contribution, we need all items in by Monday 4th December when the school council and my self will be wrapping up all the presents. 🙂


BBC Child In Need

Well done to all the classes for ‘stepping up’ and completing Pudsey’s Bearpee Challenge this week!

We are really pleased that the School Council were involved in the ‘Bearpee Challenge’ having decided it would be a good project for the school. The children (and staff) seemed to have fun doing it!


Thank you to all those children/adults who sent in photos for our Science selfie competition. We had over 40 competition entry photos which was a great result, and it was a tough choice to decide on each class winners, such was the quality of entries.

The winners were:

Squirrels: Beatrix

Red Squirrels: Indie

Grey Squirrels: Ophelia-Rose

Hedgehogs: Nethul

Badgers: Annabelle

Robins: Josephine Hares: Joseph

Adders: Lily

Otters: Rosie

Rabbits: Stanley

Foxes: Hugh

To those children who took part but didn’t quite win 1st prize, we all gave a certificate and small prize as well in next week’s assembly.


BBC Children in Need

Friday 17th November will be BBC Children in Need day. We ask that children come into school dressed either in an item of yellow (like Pudsey Bear!) or wear something dotty. This may be a small gesture (eg a badge, hair band, ribbon, dotty stickers) or be a complete item of clothing. However, it is entirely optional and children may prefer to come in school uniform, we completely understand.

As ever, we will invite contributions to the ‘Pudsey’ cause, on this day. All money will go to the BBC Children in Need charity fund.

Throughout next week, we will also be taking part in the Pudsey’s Bearpee challenge. See below to find out more!


The School Council have decided to take on the Pudsey Bearpees Challenge next week in the lead up to BBC Children in Need day on Friday 17th November. Click here to see what this is!


What a brilliant end to the STEM week we had today- lots of lovely work shared in our assembly to finish off a really enjoyable STEM week. Thank you everyone for your support this week!


Thank you to the RSPCA who delivered a KS2 assembly and then R/KS1 workshops all about… hedgehogs! The children loved finding out nocturnal animals (our STEM theme for this week). Alice, from the RSPCA, was brilliant!


STEM week has started! The RAF are in working with Year 6 today looking at flight technology and computers. We had a STEM assembly today with more to come this week…


Thank you to the PTA for the wonderful GLOW discos yesterday. The children had a wonderful time!


Two days to go until the PTA GLOW disco. If you haven’t yet got a ticket, please bring £2.50 for a ticket. We will have Reception and Nursery at 1.00pm in the hall, KS1 at 2.00pm and KS2 will have their disco from 3.00 pm to 4.00pm.


Final push on the Harvest contributions as we expect Open Door to collect this week. If you haven’t yet brought your contribution into school, there are a few days left…


Anyone that hasn’t yet booked their parent consultation for next week, please go to our ParentMail site to add your preferred timeslots.


Thank you to Tiff for his wise words today at our Harvest assembly. We have been overwhelmed by the contributions for the Harvest collection for Open Door. Thank you!


We seem to be having problems with the rear gate again. We are sorry, we have called for an engineer to fix it (YET AGAIN), but please be patient with us until it is sorted!


We ask that children bring in their Harvest contributions by Friday 6th October at latest, when we will have our Harvest assembly. All contributions go to the Open Door charity, working with people who are made homeless locally in Taunton and beyond. In advance of your contributions, thank you!


The newsletter will go out tomorrow with contributions about our Art Week, Harvest and Parents/carers evening.


Just a little note to remind adults and children- we ask families to arrive no earlier than 8.40am to wait on the playground. Some children are arriving on their own, very early in the morning, from 8.15 onwards. With the weather so poor, this means some children are coming into school drenched through, standing out on the playround for almost half an hour.

At 8.40 am, Key Stage 2 children can go directly to their class, without a parent/carer escorting them. We advise KS1/FS parents to drop off at 8.45 ready for staff to meet the children, at their collection point.

We have a 15 minutes registration time (from 8.45-9.00 am) so there is ample time for children to arrive ‘on time’ at the start of the day, before the attendance register closes at 9.00 am.

Thank you for your support.


You are invited to see our Arts Week exhibition in the hall, today, from 3.00 pm. Please come along and see what your children have been up to!


Berlie Doherty joined us today, virtually at least! Berlie is a hugely important author who has won many children’s writing awards her her many novels, poetry, plays and short stories. She was full of great advice for our young writers and generously gave her time to talk to our children about a range of topics. Our thanks to Berlie who was an inspiration!


The school newsletter will go out today. We have shared an update on the works completed across the school. It has been a lovely start to the new school year, thank you for helping everyone settle in!


We hope you have had an enjoyable summer break. We mentioned a couple of weeks ago, that there have been some significant works taking place on the playground areas and paths. Thankfully, these are nearing completion, and the school should be accessible as usual, on your return on Wednesday 6th September. See you next week!


We hope you are having a good summer. Not sure where the good weather has gone! ?

There is very substantial groundswork being done this summer- thankfully funded by the Local Authority. Most of the main pathways are being re-surfaced, the playground drainage is being sorted and both playground areas are being resurfaced as well. Fenced areas at the front of the school, and on the Key Stage 1, are being updated and improved. It is very exciting to see this work finally taking place, even though it has made for a very busy summer break!

We are reassured that this work will be complete by the start of the school year. However, if there is a delay in these works being completed, we may need to readjust the access arrangements on site, on our return. We will keep you posted in the next couple of weeks to confirm the return to school arrangements, when we know more.

We hope you enjoy the rest of the break- see you in September!


Thanks to all the parents/carers, pupils and staff who made the final day of the year, such a success. Good luck to all our Year 6 children, and we hope you all have a lovely summer! See you in September!


Thank you to everyone who made it to the Year 6 leavers’ evening tonight. We had a blast! The children won the rounders against the adults by half a rounder! We tried demanding a recount, but Mrs Hepple stood firm. Well done to the Year 6s.

If you couldn’t make it tonight, we will be presenting the remaining Year 6 leavers certificates on Friday morning at 9.15. We will also show the leavers video again during the assembly.

If you aren’t able to make either event, please ask your child to collect a leaflet from Mr Jones with a link to the video and some photos.


Reports go out today- they are lovely and well-written!

Parents/carers are invited to ‘drop in’ to see their child’s classteacher if the wish to discuss the content of their report on Monday 17th July. There is no booking system to this, please wander up to the classroom and the teachers will be available to discuss any queries paremts/carers may have. We appreciate most parents/carers will not need to speak to their child’s class teacher as the report will provide enough information already.


Book Prize assemblies are ‘booked’ for Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th July. Monday is for Foundation and KS1, Tuesdays is for KS2. Both assemblies start at 9.15- hopefully your child will be part of the presentation, as it is always a lovely presentation.


Well done to Hedgehogs class who presented the final class assembly of the year!

We managed to (just about) get all the Sports Day events taking place, despite the weather trying so hard to stop them! Thanks to all those that made it along- it was great to have another year of sporting events completed.


Our thanks to all the parents/carers who attended our school tour today. It was lovely showing you around and there were some lovely positive comments from those who joined us on the tour. We will have another tour in the future, at the beginning of the Autumn term.


Tomorrow morning will be our class swap day. We appreciate it is an exciting (and sometimes anxious) time preparing for the ‘move up’.

Teachers have worked hard to plan the classes carefully- we appreciate, children may mention a key friend may not be in their future class, or equally a key staff member. These concerns usually address themselves very quickly in the new academic year and we find children settle into new routines with great ease.

Your child may come home with some information about their new class/cohort to prepare for routine changes in September (if they remember to bring it home- we will remind them!) We will send on further information before the start of the new year, including in future newsletters about start-of-the-year routines.

If you wish to take a tour of the school this Friday morning to see the settings, we ask that you contact the office so we know the numbers we are planning for. Meet in the hall at 9.00 after the drop off, and we take groups around to give a sense of the setting in preparations for September.

Hope to see some of you Friday!


Busy week coming up, starting with today. KS2 Sports Day is planned for this afternoon although we are mindful that the weather forecast is not great so keep aware we may need to postpone if the rain continues throughout the morning. Fingers crossed for better weather!


Well done Year 6 on an amazing enrichment week, finished off with a display of circus skills and theatrics! Parents/carers who attended the ‘show and tell’ of circus skills, were ‘wow-ed’ their children’s talents!


There are two days of teacher industrial action, one of which falls on the class swap day. As a result, our class swap day is now on Tuesday 4th July, and the parent/carer school tours will be on Friday 7th July.


Three more days to go before our Summer Fayre!


Parents/carers of Robins class are invited to their class assembly tomorrow at 2.30pm in our hall. As it is the penultimate class assembly of the year, we can tell the school year is getting close to completion!


Well done to Rabbits class on a brilliant assembly. They even got round to testing the parents/carers brains with a maths quiz. They all did really well (Rabbits and the parents/carers in the maths quiz). Well done!


Newsletter out today for your reference!


Welcome back everyone, after the half term break! There are some key dates being shared in our newsletter on Friday 9th June. Keep a watch out on Facebook and your ParentMail emails.


We are pleased to announce that Mrs Adams will be covering the remainder of the weeks Miss Barker is on maternity leave towards the end of the summer half term.

Mrs Adams already teaches in Kingfisher class regularly so she knows the class very well and is well liked by the children. We appreciate the continuity that this arrangement offers going forward.

It is, however, a few weeks away yet until we prepare to bid goodbye to Miss Barker on her maternity break.


Chess Club will no longer run on Mondays for the remainder of the summer term. As there are a number of clubs running on Mondays after school, we are struggling to keep player numbers up. We may look to build in a lunchtime chess club for the final half term, as an alternative.


We have a PTA meeting on Tuesday 23rd May, at 4.30 am held at the school. All current (and future!) PTA members are welcome.


We will be having a STEM week in the second half of the summer term. If you have background in STEM-related roles/jobs, we would like to hear from you! STEM is an an abbreviation of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths- and these skills are very prevalent in many jobs. If you think you provide some good background around how these skills form part of your role, please contact the school. Your input could help our STEM week run even better.


The newsletter has gone out today with some date reminders on it.

The Y6 SATs have been completed- well done to the children, staff and parents for all the hard work and support this week. You are stars!


Good luck with your SATs this week Year 6!


We have seen an upturn in Covid cases this week, notably for KS2. A number of staff unfortunately are isolating due to contracting Covid, and we request that parents/carers are vigilant in monitoring for sighs of Covid and avoid sending children in if they are unwell. Government guidance is:

What if you have the symptoms of Covid?

Try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people if you or your child have symptoms and either:

  • have a high temperature

  • do not feel well enough to go to work, school, childcare, or do your normal activities

You can go back to your normal activities when you feel better or do not have a high temperature.

If your child has mild symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat or mild cough, and they feel well enough, they can go to school or childcare.

What if you test positive?

You are no longer required to do a COVID-19 rapid lateral flow test if you have symptoms.

But if you or your child have tested positive for COVID-19:

  • try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for a further 3 days after your positive test if you are under 18 years

  • try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for a further 5 days after your positive test if you are 18 or over

  • avoid meeting people who are more likely to get seriously ill from viruses, such as people with a weakened immune system, for a further 10 days after your positive test.


We are planning for a whole school event, Friday afternoon this week, in preparation for the Coronation weekend. A letter will go out on ParentMail requesting that families provide some cakes for the afternoon picnic on the field. The school will also be providing some additional treats- let’s just hope the weather stays good enough for us to have our outdoor picnic!


There are some excellent videos on our YouTube channel, Wellsprings School TV. Some of our most popular content includes some guidance videos to parents/carers about how they can support their children’s maths learning, at home.

Please visit and subscribe!


Parents/carers have been contacted regarding the class closures which are taking place on Thursday 27th April and Tuesday 2nd May. If you are not aware yet around these arrangements, please contact the school office.


The newsletter is due to be sent out today, with an update on the coming Bank Holiday changes due to the King’s Coronation on 8th May. We have also sent out on ParentMail, an update on the children who will be affected by the industrial action on 27th April, next week. Please contact the office if you are not aware of this communication having arrived.


Welcome back after the Easter break. We are really pleased to have the children back, in what will likely to be a very busy term!


Tomorrow we will send out our usual newsletter plus our Key Stage newsletters as well. They will be sent out on ParentMail at the end of the day.


What an amazing evening at the Brewhouse last night. Eight of Year 5’s took part in a project that has taken a term to come to fruition. Diverse Voice, supported by Crimestoppers, brought five schools together, including Wellsprings Primary, to present a truly unique performance around staying safe and tackling crime.

All the Year 5 children were part of the rehearsal programme, but the production team had to reduce the numbers down a little as 250 children on stage from all five schools would have proved a significant challenge! We were pleased to see audience members of families and children watching last night- it was great to see such support.

We will hand out the certificates to all Year 5 children who took part in the project from the beginning, in our assembly this week.

Well done to all those involved and thank you to the Diverse Voice/Crimestoppers team for the time and investment, as it is run on a volunteer basis.


TGI Friday at Wellsprings Community Church

MESSAGE for Year 6 pupils

Unfortunately, the TGI Friday session at Wellsprings Church has had to be cancelled due to the TFIF leaders being poorly.

There will be an Easter special next week.


The Year 4’s seemed to be loving their time at Osmington Bay over the weekend. Thank you to the staff for taking the children to the residential, in their own time. We hope they are not too tired when they return!


Thank you to Pete the Poet for his brilliant day with Year 3/4 and Kingfisher class. He did some brilliant work on equalities and diversity which the staff and children really enjoyed.


Just to confirm the school is open today, despite a bit snow falling. The forecast suggests rain will follow as the day wears on. If there is any likelihood of the school closing, we would confirm well before the day starts of Facebook, ParentMail and on local radio stations.


Thank you to all those who came dressed up today for ‘Book day’. It was an impressive collection of ‘word-based’ costumes!


What an amazing visit by David Lawrence Jones, our guest author for Book week. He had the whole of the school entranced for over an hour and a quarter in the hall- even our very youngest children managed to engage fully throughout this time!

He has inspired a real love of books in his short time at Wellsprings- and it is not finished.

David will be back on Friday 3rd March to sign books that have been ordered from his back catalogue. An order form will go home tonight and if parents/carers want to order and pre-pay for any his books, then return the form and money by Friday at latest.


The newsletter has gone out today. Just to remind parents/carers, the author David Lawrence Jones will be visiting on Wednesday 1st March to tell the children all about his books, and what it is like being a published author.

He will return on Friday 3rd March, to sign books which the children have bought, and visit all the classes. This is also DRESSING UP day- children will need to dress up as a ‘word’ (a noun- a person, feeling, object etc)! They must have their word attached to them so we can judge if their costume matches their label!! Sounds like a fun week.


ParentMail emails have gone out today to confirm which children will and will not be attending on Thursday 2nd March due to the industrial action. Please contact the office if you are unsure.


Welcome back everyone- we hope you had a good break. The school newsletter is out again on Friday 24th February- with information about the mini-police project and our up and coming Book Week. We are very excited about the week we have planned!


Thank you to the PTA for organising a brilliant disco today. We raised over £300 and the children had a wonderful time!


No chess club today- the club will return on Monday 20th February.


HARES class only

Unfortunately, we are going to have to shift the Parent/Carer appointments this week, from Wednesday to Thursday after school. This will only affect parents/carers of those who have children in Hares class.

If the you have booked an appointment on Wednesday but cannot attend on Thursday, please contact the office and we will try to provide an alternative meeting time.

We are sorry for any inconvenience


We had a fantastic assembly from Kingfisher class yesterday- thank you! We learnt so much about a whole host of things, not least how to design a turnip picker!


If you are struggling to book your meeting for the Parent/Carer consultations, please click on this link (here) for further information.

If this does not solve your problem, please contact the office: 01823 275556.


Please check our newsletter on Friday 3rd February for information on our PTA Valentines Disco and the Book Week after half term.


A reminder that the school will be partially closed tomorrow due to industrial action. You should have received an email stating whether or not your child should come into school.

If you are unsure, or have any questions, please contact the school office.


Unfortunately, we have had to cancel football club for the next 2 weeks due to the Valentine’s Disco, and there being another tournament taking place on the same day.

Sorry for any inconvenience.


We are trying a new system for booking Parents Evening Appointments via Parentmail. All teachers will have available 10 minute slots between 3.30 and 6pm on Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th. The system will go live on Monday 30th January, at 18.00.

You can find help details from Parentmail by clicking here

If you experience problems booking a slot please contact us in the office.

Thank you.


Please note the key dates for your diary can be found on our EVENTS page: click here.


The newsletter is out today- we will keep you up-to-date about the school’s arrangements for the day of industrial action next week. We are aware that there will a potentially, quite a number of classes affected on February 1st. More information to come.


Just a reminder to parents/carers collecting from the Stay and Play, After School Club. The club has returned to the base of the dining area, between the Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 playgrounds. Please collect from this point in future.


We remind KS1 parents/carers to wait on the front patio of the KS1 and Year 3/4 porches when the weather is wet/muddy. Hopefully this will mean easier access into classes at the beginning of the day. Thank you!


Newsletter is out today. It will as ever be sent on ParentMail, and appear on our closed Facebook group as well as the public one. See the latest newsletter on our school website at: newsletter pages.


Welcome back everyone! We hope you had a good break over the Christmas period. It has been lovely having everyone back today!


Merry Christmas one and all. We hope you have a lovely Christmas break, and Santa is generous to you all!


Thank you to all the parents, carers and relatives who came to all our Christmas events. It has been an immense couple of weeks- thank you!


We have had guidance from Public Health about Scarlet fever and Group A Streptococcal infections. Please read the letter as we are aware there has been a worrying (if still very small) rise in cases, and sadly, fatalities due to Strep A cases.


Well Mr Lunn said he was going to buy a Christmas Tree on the way home, because the KS1 performance made him feel him so Christmassy. Well done Key Stage 1- you even got the audience up and singing (and possibly dancing!?) joining in the performance. What a show! More tomorrow!!


BRILLIANT Foundation Stage Christmas performance earlier. The children looked amazing in their costumes and sung beautifully too. Thanks for the family visitors today, it was lovely having you all in our hall to watch the show. Well done to children, and staff, for a lovely performance.


WOW, what a great Christmas Fair. So many people, with so much money raised for classes to spend on their lovely children. THANK YOU- to staff, children and families for making it such a great success.


Christmas Fair tomorrow! Money at the ready from 3.15pm in the hall!! The lines on the playground will be completed tomorrow as well.


Due to the intense rain we have had, Pentagon Play have now confirmed they will start the equipment installation next week- likely to be Monday 28th November. We will keep you posted if there are further postponements. We hope the rain staves off a bit in the coming week. We want our new playground, ASAP!


Pentagon Play have now confirmed that they will be in school on Thursday 24th November to complete the playground markings. We suspect this may restrict access to lunch and break activities for the children, but the rear gate should still be accessible.


The Key Phase newsletters for KS1, Year 3/4 and Year 5/6 will be sent out on Friday 25th November. The newsletters will provide an update on forthcoming Christmas events for each Key Phase as well sharing what the children have been up to this term.


The school newsletter is due to go out at the end of the week. There will be an update on the Key Stage 2 playground which families will need to be aware of, as works will be undertaken during the school day to install new play equipment. We hope to minimise the disruption to routines as much as possible, but we are aware access to the KS2 playground may have restrictions depending on what part of the playground is being worked upon. We will keep you updated.


If there are any local events people would like to share coming up in the weeks leading up to Christmas, please contact the office at We are happy to add information on our Facebook pages and on the school newsletter.


Update about clubs and related events
As of the week beginning 14.11.22, there will be no netball or running club, which will both start back again, in February when the weather and light is better.

Football club (run by Mr Fowle) and Choir club (run by Mrs Soper) will continue for the remainder of this Autumn term, on Thursdays.

From Monday 21st onwards, Art club will start, (3.15-4.15), run by Miss Hawthorne. This will continue through into the Spring term. Letters will go out next week.

On Monday 28th November, Mr Lunn will be supporting the boy’s football tournament, after school. Well done to the team’s winning start at their last tournament (7th November) which Mr Fowle kindly supported! All four matches were won, and with a healthy goal difference for Wellsprings!!

As of Monday 5th December, Mr Lunn will run a Chess club from 3.15-4.15, into the Spring term. Letters will go out within the next week.

Just to update parents/carers of KS2 pupils, we have altered the planned KS2 Christmas Evening event due to clashes with local community events and staff availability. KS2 will now have their Christmas Evening on Thursday 15th December at Wellsprings School, the same day as the Christmas dinner. The school calendar has been adjusted to reflect this.

As a future note for those interested, there are further clubs planned in 2023. In the Spring term, Mr Jones will be running a Film Club on Tuesdays and Mrs Adams will offer a ‘Just Dance’/’Cosmic Yoga’ club for Year 2’s, on Monday after school. Mrs Fearn will be offering a Yoga club (Thursdays) to Year 6’s later in the Spring/Summer term. We will keep you updated of these, and any other clubs, in advance of any changes.


Our PTA meeting will be held in the school hall this Thursday (10th November), at 6.00 pm. Please come along and see what you can support our dedicated team and make a real difference to your children’s school!

All welcome!


We will be sending out an update on the school club and related sporting events, later this week. There will be changes to some after school clubs due to the winter hours starting to ‘steal’ our daylight.

Some additional clubs are being planned for this term and in the Spring term.

More information to come.


There will be a PTA meeting next week, on Thursday 10th November. We hope that as many parents and carers will attend to find out what the PTA do. We will also look at other our events that are planned for the year, with the opportunity to consider other new ways to support our school community and raise funds for the school.


Thank you to all the parents and carers who made it in to meet their children’s class teacher this week. It has been a while since we have had so many opportunities to meet up ‘face-to-face’ and we hope you found the meetings useful.

The newsletter goes out today with a reminder that the Harvest collection will end on Friday 4th November. As with previous years, our ‘Harvest haul’ will go to the Open Door charity, a local organisation who target help for young people who are homeless.

Just as a reminder, we start back after the half term break, on Monday 31st October- Hallowe’en! Have a lovely break.


The newsletter will be out this Friday. If there are any half term events you wish to publicise locally, please get in touch and we can signpost them to families.


Thank you to all the parents/carers who completed the questionnaire sent out last week. Already, we almost have 100 responses, and the feedback has been positive. There are some really useful comments noted as to how we could improve things, one of which is this regular blog on the school website to keep parents/carers informed. There will be feedback in our newsletter on Friday 21st October. As ever, we will send the newsletter via ParentMail, post/upload the information on our school website and on Facebook.

Just a reminder, most classes will be having their parent/carer consultations with children’s class teachers this week.

Hello! We will be using this blog on our school website in the future to keep you updated. It may be about reminding parents/carers about events coming up or making our school community aware of any last-minute changes. We hope you find it useful!

You will find all our newsletters here and the key dates for our calendar here.11.09.24

Please see your emails and Facebook for an update on the school. This is in regards to the closure of our hall and stage area and ongoing surveys of this area.

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